How To Get Rid Of Roaches Without An Exterminator Naturally?

Did you know that cockroaches have been around for more than 300 million years? Even though they have been around for a very long time, these old insects are not only a nuisance but can also spread germs and cause allergies.

Many people hire professional exterminators to get rid of roaches, but more and more people are interested in natural ways to get rid of these tough bugs.

For health and environmental reasons, using common household items and eco-friendly ways to get rid of roaches for good is appealing.

In this blog post, we’re diving into the world of natural roach repellents and elimination strategies that don’t require a call to the exterminator.

So, how to get rid of roaches without an exterminator naturally?

Here are some natural ways to get rid of roaches in your home:

  • Baking Soda and Sugar: Mix equal parts baking soda and sugar and sprinkle them in the areas where you’ve seen roaches1. The sugar attracts the roaches while the baking soda kills them.
  • Boric Acid: Lightly dust areas where roaches have been spotted with boric acid1. Roaches will die if they come in contact with this acid. However, boric acid is not safe for consumption, so keep it out of reach of children and pets.
  • Fabric Softener Spray: Mix natural fabric softener with water and spray it around your home1. Roaches breathe through their skin, so the thick spray suffocates them.
  • Garlic: Crush a garlic clove and place it around infested areas of your home. The smell repels cockroaches.
  • Lemon Spray: Mix lemon juice with water in a spray bottle and spray it around your home. Cockroaches are deterred by the smell of lemon.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth over areas where roaches have been spotted. It’s a natural powder made from tiny fossilized aquatic organisms and is safe for humans and pets.

Join us as we explore safe, natural, and effective ways to send roaches packing, ensuring a cleaner, healthier living environment for you and your family.

7 Natural Home Remedies to Kill Roaches Fast

Natural Remedy How It Works Application Method
Boric Acid A desiccant that dries out the roach’s exoskeleton, leading to dehydration and death. Lightly sprinkle in areas where roaches frequent, avoiding heavy application to prevent repulsion.
Diatomaceous Earth (Food Grade) Sharp microscopic edges cut through the roach’s exoskeleton, causing them to dehydrate and die. Spread a fine layer around potential entry points and in corners where roaches hide.
Baking Soda and Sugar Mixture Sugar attracts roaches, while baking soda reacts with their stomach acid, causing internal pressure and death. Mix equal parts and place in shallow dishes near roach pathways.
Citronella Oil Strong scent repels roaches without killing them, making it a preventative measure. Add a few drops to water and spray around doors, windows, and other entry points.
Coffee Grounds The aroma attracts roaches to traps but does not kill them directly. Place used coffee grounds in jars filled halfway with water. Roaches will be attracted to the scent and drown.
Lemon Juice or Peels The strong acidic scent of lemon is disliked by roaches, acting as a natural repellent. Squeeze lemon juice into water for cleaning floors or place peels near areas of infestation.
Catnip Contains nepetalactone, which acts as a natural repellent to roaches without harming them. Place small sachets of catnip in areas prone to roach activity or brew a catnip tea and spray around the house.
Also Read:  How To Get Rid Of Wood Roaches Naturally?

Roaches are wily critters that sneak into your abode, seeking warmth and grub. But fret not; there’s no need to call in the cavalry just yet. The arsenal against these unwelcome guests lies within your pantry and garden.

From the sharp edges of diatomaceous earth laying siege on their exoskeletons to the deceptive sweetness of baking soda concoctions, these natural remedies are your best bet for reclaiming your territory.

Remember, consistency is key—apply these solutions regularly for a roach-free residence.

The Complete Guide to Eliminate Cockroaches

Eliminating roaches doesn’t have to mean dialling up the nearest exterminator. Nature’s got your back with some potent remedies that’ll send these critters packing. Here’s how you can declare war on roaches, armed with nothing but natural weapons from around your home.

Boric Acid: A Dusty Deathtrap

This isn’t your average cleaning agent. Sprinkle boric acid in nooks and crannies where roaches love to hide. They’ll trek through this powder, carry it back to their hideouts, and soon enough, you’ll see a drastic drop in their numbers.

Location Application Effectiveness
Under sinks Sprinkle lightly High
Behind appliances Apply along edges High
In corners Dust sparingly Moderate to High

How To Get Rid Of Roaches Without An Exterminator Naturally-2

Diatomaceous Earth: The Desiccator

This powdery marvel is akin to walking on broken glass for roaches. It sticks to them, dehydrates them, and sends them to their doom. Remember, the food-grade version is what you’re after.

Location Application Safety Note
Around baseboards Sprinkle a thin line Safe for pets and humans
Near garbage bins Apply liberally around edges Use food-grade only
Entry points Dust around doors/windows Avoid inhalation during application

Essential Oils: Not Just a Pretty Smell

Who knew roaches couldn’t stand the smell of cleanliness? Peppermint oil is your go-to here. A few drops in a water-filled spray bottle can make your home a no-go zone for these pests.

Oil Type Dilution Ratio (Oil:Water) Application Area
Peppermint Oil 1:10 Spray around suspected areas.


We use natural remedies to reveal ways to free your home from roaches’ controlling grip without using harmful chemicals. Think about how your kitchen used to be a busy place for these ancient invaders but is now a stronghold they can’t get through.

With the knowledge of many years and the power of simplicity, our guide turns common home items like boric acid, diatomaceous earth, and baking soda into heroes for your cause.

Each material, an ode to the strength of nature, sets a trap that roaches can’t get out of. This will make your home a shining example of cleanliness and safety.

Unfortunately, the fight does not end with extinction. Our main goal is to keep roaches from coming in. A mix of citronella, lemon, and peppermint stands guard at your gates, sending off any future attackers with smells that are bad for roaches but good for your home. This diverse method, which uses what the earth has to offer, not only wins the battle, but also brings permanent peace.

That’s why we should support these natural enemies and put them in key spots to make it impossible for roaches to live there. By build a safe place for our health and peace of mind by working hard and following the lead of nature.