How To Get Rid Of Garter Snakes Naturally?

Imagine going into your yard to start your day in peace, only to find a slimy visitor there to meet you. Even though garter snakes are common in many parts of North America, it can be very scary to see them in private areas. While they do a good job of keeping pests away, having too many of these animals can make people uncomfortable and worried. Garter snakes, which are in the family Thamnophis, are known for being very flexible. They often live in parks and backyards because they have plenty of food and a place to hide. This fact shows an interesting mix between places where people live and places where animals live.

This blog post will talk about natural and gentle ways to deal with garter snakes in your area, making sure that your family is safe and that these important animals can continue to live in the wild.

So, how to get rid of garter snakes naturally?

Keep garter snakes away with these natural methods:

Take away food sources

Snakes might be hungry and want to find food, like mice. Some things you can do to get rid of food sources are:

  • Put things like dog food, bird seed, and other things in metal trash cans with lids that fit tightly.
  • Don’t leave mating spots.
  • Catch mice

Take away any standing water

A yard with ponds and other small amounts of water can look really nice. Snakes, on the other hand, say it can make them feel right at home.

Add trees that snakes don’t like.

Most snake removal services say that you should put up plants that scare snakes away, like marigolds, in your yard. Snakes don’t like the smell of marigold plants, so they naturally keep snakes away.

Clean up the yard

Cut back your plants, mow your yard, and keep your lawn free of trash.

Hire predators

Several animals that aren’t snakes can help keep them away. Cats, squirrels, pigs, turkeys, guinea hens, and foxes are some common animals that eat snakes.

You can also use snake fence, which works well to keep snakes out. Fencing that keeps snakes out is usually 10 inches of underground aluminum or welded stainless steel wire mesh.

Our approach combines friendly, accessible language with professional insights, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge to gently reclaim your space from these unwelcome guests.

Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast or simply someone looking to maintain a snake-free yard, this guide will provide you with practical, natural solutions.

Getting to Know Garter Snakes

Garter snakes, often spotted in our yards or occasionally sneaking into our homes, are far more than just unexpected guests. They’re a fascinating species with traits that set them apart in the reptile world.

Trait Description Why It’s Interesting
Color and Pattern Variations Each species boasts its own combo of colors and markings. This diversity makes them a vibrant part of the ecosystem and a subject of interest for researchers and enthusiasts.
Ectothermic Nature Rely on external heat sources for body temperature regulation. Their sun-bathing habits are not just for enjoyment; it’s a survival strategy, showcasing their adaptability.
Jacobson’s Organ Specialized sensors to detect chemical cues in the environment. This advanced feature allows them to track prey or find mates efficiently, illustrating their evolutionary sophistication.
Ovoviviparous Reproduction Giving birth to live young instead of laying eggs. This trait is relatively rare among reptiles and highlights their unique approach to reproduction and survival.
Diverse Habitat Range Found in grassy fields, forests, wetlands, and urban areas. Their ability to thrive in various environments underscores their versatility and resilience.
Opportunistic Feeding Habits Eat a wide range of prey like frogs, fish, rodents, and insects. This dietary flexibility helps control pest populations, making them beneficial to our ecosystems.
Defense Mechanism Release foul-smelling musk when threatened. A non-aggressive way to deter predators, showcasing their preference for evasion over confrontation.
Physical Characteristics Keeled scales for traction; round black eyes with sharp vision. Their physical adaptations are perfect examples of nature’s design for survival and efficiency.
Complex Courtship Rituals Engage in intricate displays during mating season in spring. This behaviour adds a layer of intrigue to their life cycle and highlights the diversity of reptilian social interactions.
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Getting Rid of Garter Snakes

Getting rid of garter snakes naturally involves a blend of humane removal, habitat alteration, and deterrent strategies.

Below is a table summarizing effective natural methods to keep these slithery visitors at bay.

How To Get Rid Of Garter Snakes Naturally-2

Method Description Effectiveness
Humane Bait Traps Utilize traps that capture snakes alive using live bait. Ensure they are checked frequently to relocate the snakes promptly. High – ensures the snake can be moved to a more suitable habitat away from your property.
Predator Birds Incorporate raptors and chickens into your yard. These birds naturally prey on snakes, reducing their population over time. Medium – depends on the presence and activity of these birds in your area.
Seal Entry Points Conduct a thorough inspection of your property for cracks, holes, and gaps. Seal these entry points to prevent snakes from entering. High – prevents snakes from finding shelter or nesting areas within your home or property.
Remove Dens and Debris Clear away piles of wood, leaves, and debris where snakes may find shelter or build dens. High – reduces the attractiveness of your property as a habitat for snakes.
Deny Access to Essentials Eliminate sources of food, water, warmth, and shelter that attract garter snakes to your property. High – makes your property less inviting for snakes searching for survival resources.

These methods, when combined, offer a comprehensive approach to managing garter snakes naturally. Remember, it’s crucial to respect wildlife and opt for humane solutions whenever possible.

If you’re unsure about handling or removing snakes, it’s wise to consult with wildlife control professionals who can ensure safe and humane removal.

Chasing Garter Snakes Away (and Keeping Them Away)

Chasing garter snakes away from homes and yards can be effectively managed with a combination of natural repellents and habitat modifications.

Here’s how to create an unwelcoming environment for these slithery visitors using time-tested, natural methods.

Natural Repellents and Deterrents

Method Details Application
Planting Lemongrass and Wormwood Both plants are known to repel snakes due to their strong aroma. Plant around the perimeter of your property.
Essential Oil Spray Cinnamon, clove, and cedarwood oils are aversive to snakes. Mix a few drops of each oil with water in a spray bottle and apply around the home’s foundation, doors, and windows.
Structural Fortification Snakes enter through gaps and holes in structures. Inspect and plug any openings in buildings, especially near ground level.
Clearing Debris Snakes seek shelter in cluttered areas. Maintain a tidy yard by removing debris, tall grass, and piles of wood or leaves.
Natural Barriers Sulfur, sharp mulch, coral, or eggshells create an uncomfortable surface for snakes. Sprinkle these materials in garden beds and around the property’s edges.
Garlic-Infused Oil Spray Snakes dislike the smell of garlic. Create a mixture of minced garlic and oil, let it infuse for 24 hours, then spray it around the property.
Relocation Safely capturing and relocating the snake far from your home. Use caution and care, considering consulting a professional if unsure how to proceed safely.

Habitat Modifications

Creating an environment that’s less appealing to garter snakes is key. This includes:

  • Maintaining cleanliness: Keep your garden and yard free from clutter where snakes might hide.
  • Lawn care: Regularly mow your lawn to keep the grass short; snakes prefer tall grass for cover.
  • Storage practices: Store firewood, compost bins, and other potential snake shelters away from your home.
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By combining these natural repellents with proactive habitat modifications, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of garter snakes making themselves at home in your yard or garden.


Getting along with garter snakes in your backyard or yard is like watching nature’s complicated dance of balance and living together. People don’t always understand how important these animals are to our environment because they keep pests in check. But when they come too often, it’s important to find ways to live together happily. We looked into natural and humane ways to keep these creepy strangers away without upsetting the balance of the natural world. This gives people who are trying to do this hope.

Using the essential oils and substances that naturally scare snakes away, like lemongrass and wormwood, along with making smart changes to their environment, you can make your space less appealing to garter snakes. By blocking off entry spots and cleaning up your yard, you can make your home less appealing to snakes as a place to live. We also use safe snake disposal methods when needed, always keeping the snake’s health in mind. This shows that we care about all living things and want to treat them with kindness and respect.

These methods won’t just keep unwanted guests away; they’ll also help you connect with nature in a way that has been around for a long time. We feel more connected to the earth and all of its living things when we make a place that meets the needs of wildlife while also keeping our own comfort in mind.