How To Get Rid Of Groundhogs Under Shed Naturally?

Do you find yourself constantly battling with bothersome groundhogs that have taken up residence under your shed? Not only can these furry creatures cause damage to your property, but they also attract other unwanted pests. But fear not, for there are natural and humane ways to evict these critters from their underground hideouts. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Groundhogs are drawn to areas with easy access to food and shelter. To discourage them from taking up residence under your shed, be sure to eliminate any potential food sources nearby.
  • Installing a barrier around the perimeter of your shed is an effective way to prevent groundhogs from digging their way in.
  • Strong-smelling deterrents like garlic or predator urine can also be used to repel groundhogs from making a home under your shed.
  • Trapping and relocating groundhogs is another viable option, but be sure to check local laws and regulations before doing so.
  • Regularly inspecting and repairing any holes or weak spots in and around your shed can help prevent future groundhog infestations.

By implementing these methods, you can safely and naturally remove groundhogs from under your shed without causing harm to them or your property. Bid farewell to those troublesome critters once and for all.

Use a Trap

Live traps are the most humane and effective way to evict pesky groundhogs from under your shed. These traps allow the groundhog to be safely captured and relocated to a new home without causing any harm. When using live traps, it is crucial to wear gloves and use natural materials like dirt and leaves to camouflage the trap, as groundhogs are easily spooked by human scent.

In addition, it is vital to use enticing bait that groundhogs can’t resist, such as sweet fruits like berries or vegetables like cucumbers. Place the traps near the entrance of the burrow for maximum success. Once captured, it is recommended to drive at least 5-10 miles away from your property and release the groundhog in a wooded area where they can establish a new dwelling.

Using lethal traps is not only inhumane but may also be illegal in some states. Instead, there are several natural deterrents that can be used to discourage groundhogs from taking up residence under your shed. Epsom salts, castor oil, ammonia-containing kitty litter, garlic paste, cayenne pepper, and fumigation methods using gas cartridges are all viable alternatives for getting rid of groundhogs.

To prevent future infestations, it is essential to regularly inspect and seal any potential entry points under the shed. Keeping the surrounding area free of debris and vegetation that may attract groundhogs is also helpful. Installing barriers or using natural deterrents can also discourage other animals from digging near the shed.

Remember, live traps are the most humane option for removing groundhogs from under your shed.

Try Using Epsom Salts

Using Epsom salts is a highly effective technique for repelling groundhogs from your yard and garden. These pesky creatures are known to have a strong aversion to the taste and smell of Epsom salt, making it a natural and safe deterrent for them.

If you want to try using Epsom salt to get rid of groundhogs under your shed, here are some tips to follow:

Start by sprinkling Epsom salt around areas where groundhogs have been spotted, such as near their burrows or around plants they have been munching on.

Another option is to place a small plate filled with Epsom salt near the groundhog’s favorite spot or burrow entrance. Just be sure to replace it after every rain.

For a more widespread application, consider sprinkling Epsom salt around the perimeter of your garden or yard to repel groundhogs.

If you have plants that are being devoured by groundhogs, try placing a tin pie plate filled with Epsom salt near the affected plants. Again, remember to replace it after rainfalls.

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For a more thorough approach, search for holes in your garden and sprinkle Epsom salt throughout the area or use an Epsom salt spray.

By utilizing Epsom salt, you can naturally ward off groundhogs from your yard and garden without causing them harm or resorting to harsh chemicals.

Use Castor Oil

Castor oil, when used correctly, can serve as a natural and effective method for eliminating groundhogs that have taken up residence under your sheds. The strong scent of castor oil is highly repulsive to these pests, making it an ideal repellent. Here are some ways to use castor oil to get rid of groundhogs:

Pour castor oil into and around burrow holes: In the absence of groundhogs, you can pour castor oil into and around their burrow holes. This strong scent will discourage them from returning to that area.

Mix castor oil with warm water and spray it in your garden: Groundhogs are also repelled by a mixture of castor oil and warm water. Use a spray bottle to apply this solution to plants and soil in your garden to keep groundhogs at bay.

Utilize ammonia-soaked sponges: Another way to utilize the power of castor oil is by soaking sponges in household ammonia and placing them near the groundhog hole, or by setting out pie tins with ammonia-soaked sponges in your garden. Ammonia is also a potent scent that deters groundhogs.

In summary, using castor oil as a repellent is an effective way to keep groundhogs away from your property. However, it’s worth noting that castor oil may not provide a permanent solution and may require regular reapplication for optimal results.

In addition, if the problem persists, it’s always advisable to seek professional pest control services for assistance.

Soiled Kitty Litter

Groundhogs can be a nuisance when they take up residence under your shed, but using soiled kitty litter is a natural and efficient way to deter them. This method works by taking advantage of the strong scent of cat urine, which groundhogs are attracted to but cannot tolerate. Here’s how you can use soiled kitty litter as a natural groundhog deterrent:

  • Locate the den holes: Before using this method, you’ll need to find the den holes where the groundhogs are living under your shed. You can do this by keeping an eye out for holes around the perimeter of your shed or by observing the behavior of the groundhogs.
  • Pour used kitty litter around one den hole: Once you’ve located the den hole, pour used kitty litter around it, leaving only one exit available for the groundhog to escape. The strong ammonia smell in the cat urine will make the groundhog want to avoid entering or staying in that den hole.
  • Clean up and close off all burrow holes: After successfully deterring the groundhogs and having them leave your property, it’s important to clean up the used kitty litter and permanently close off all burrow holes. Doing so will prevent other groundhogs from moving in and causing more damage.
  • Sprinkle used kitty litter in your garden: To prevent future groundhog invasions, sprinkle used kitty litter around the perimeter of your garden. This creates a barrier that deters them from entering your garden.
  • Try other natural methods: Along with using soiled kitty litter, you can also experiment with using garlic or cayenne pepper as they dislike these strong-smelling spices. These methods may require frequent reapplication, but they are effective and humane ways to deter groundhogs.
  • Consider professional assistance: If you’re dealing with a severe groundhog infestation, it may be best to seek professional assistance for long-term results.

Use Strong, Offensive Smells

The use of pungent smells, such as those from garlic or cayenne pepper, is a natural and effective way to get rid of groundhogs living under sheds. These scents act as deterrents, keeping groundhogs away from areas like gardens or burrows.

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Benefits of Using Strong, Offensive Smells

  • Humane: Unlike lethal traps, using strong, offensive smells is a humane method of deterring groundhogs from taking up residence under sheds.
  • Natural and Non-Toxic: These methods are natural and non-toxic, making them safe for both humans and animals.
  • Cost-Effective: Using strong, offensive smells is a budget-friendly option compared to hiring professional pest control services.
  • DIY Solution: These methods are easy to implement and can be done by homeowners themselves without the need for professional help.

Table: Comparison of Different Smells and Their Effectiveness in Deterring Groundhogs

How To Get Rid Of Groundhogs Under Shed Naturally-2

Smell Effectiveness
Garlic Highly Effective
Cayenne Pepper Highly Effective
Epsom Salts Moderately Effective
Castor Oil Moderately Effective
Kitty Litter Effective

Insight: Garlic and cayenne pepper are highly effective in deterring groundhogs due to their strong and pungent smells. Epsom salts and castor oil are moderately effective, while used kitty litter, with its strong ammonia smell, can also be an effective deterrent.

How to Use Strong, Offensive Smells to Get Rid of Groundhogs

To naturally get rid of groundhogs under sheds using strong, offensive smells, follow these steps:

  • Identify the Burrow Entrance: Look for signs of groundhog activity, such as dug-up soil or large holes near your shed.
  • Wear Gloves: To avoid transferring your scent, wear gloves when handling any materials that will be placed near the burrow entrance.
  • Place the Trap: Set up a humane trap 5-10 feet away from the burrow entrance, facing it towards the entrance.
  • Bait the Trap: Use fruits or vegetables that groundhogs are attracted to as bait, such as berries, peaches, or carrots.
  • Add Strong Smells: Before placing the bait in the trap, sprinkle some garlic powder or cayenne pepper around the burrow entrance and inside the trap itself. This will further deter groundhogs from entering.

Use Smoke to Get Rid of Them

Utilizing smoke as a natural approach to eliminate groundhogs residing beneath sheds is a highly effective and humane way to remove these pests from your property. The strong odor produced by smoke is repugnant to groundhogs, causing them to vacate their burrows. This method is also environmentally friendly and does not cause harm to the groundhogs or the surroundings, making it a safe and eco-conscious option.

Possible sources of smoke: Effectiveness: How to use:
Dry wood or leaves Low to medium Light a fire near the entrance of the groundhog burrow. The smoke will penetrate inside and drive the groundhogs out.
Smoke bombs or cartridges High Insert the bomb or cartridge into the burrow opening and seal it off with soil. The smoke will fill the burrow and suffocate the groundhogs.
Burnt rags or coffee grounds Medium Place the burnt rags or coffee grounds in a metal container and light them on fire. The smoke will repel the groundhogs when positioned near their burrows.

It is essential to note that this method may not completely eradicate all groundhogs from your property. However, it can be effective in deterring them from returning to their burrows under sheds. Using other methods such as trapping or deterrents in conjunction with smoke is recommended for better results.

When using smoke, it is crucial to take safety precautions, such as monitoring the fire and preventing it from spreading. It is also important to consider weather conditions, as strong winds can alter the direction of the smoke, reducing its effectiveness.

Employing smoke as a natural method to get rid of groundhogs living under sheds is a viable option for homeowners seeking humane and eco-friendly solutions.


In conclusion, dealing with groundhogs under your shed can be a daunting and frustrating task.

But fear not, as there are natural and humane methods to effectively remove these pesky critters from their underground hideouts. By eliminating their food sources, installing barriers, using strong-smelling deterrents, and regularly inspecting and repairing potential entry points, you can prevent groundhogs from taking up residence under your shed.

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, using smoke as a repellent can be a highly effective solution.